⭐️One simple license⭐️

This license document details the granted rights and restrictions for the use of an production voice line (VL), sound effects (SFX) and music product (MUSIC) in projects.


When purchasing an production VL/SFX/MUSIC product, the LICENSEE (you) is granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable, synchronization license and master use license by the LICENSOR (Ferber & Pena Y Freitas GBR, me@alesiadavina.com) to use the VL/SFX/MUSIC and the recordings of the VL/SFX/MUSIC in this product, in synchronization with a project including commercial, profit making projects multiple times without further fee or royalty.

This license is only valid when accompanied by a unique purchase license/order number, with it the LICENSEE may:

– Use the VL/SFX/MUSIC in any non-commercial, commercial and broadcast production, including but not limited to: film, television and radio programmes, musical compositions and performances, theatrical performances and live shows, presentations, conferences, exhibitions, commercials, podcasts, video games, apps, software, audiobooks, YouTube videos, social media video posts, online marketing ads, educational purposes, filmmaking, live streaming such as Twitch, blogs and websites, school projects.

– Edit the recordings to fit specific requirements, such as trimming or compressing.

– Create derivative works from the recordings for use under these same license terms.

– Use the VL/SFX/MUSIC multiple times, in multiple projects without further payment.

In using this product the LICENSEE agrees that, if the purchase is refunded the rights listed above will no longer apply, both for future projects and for any previous uses of the VL/SFX/MUSIC.


– The LICENSEE must not re-sell, re-license, share, make available for download, or otherwise distribute the VL/SFX/MUSIC or any of its contents as a standalone files or as an audio product, music service, sample or stock music product, whether paid or freely distributed.

– The LICENSEE may not claim ownership or copyright over the VL/SFX/MUSIC (see COPYRIGHT).

– The LICENSEE may not use the VL/SFX/MUSIC, in any way, that constitutes, supports or advocates illegal activity.

If a specific use of the VL/SFX/MUSIC is not clearly permitted by this license then it should be assumed that use is not permitted without permission from the LICENSOR. Queries, or special permissions can be granted by contacting me@alesiadavina.com.


Ownership and copyright of the VL/SFX/MUSIC and any provided recordings of the VL/SFX/MUSIC shall, at all times, remain the ownership of the LICENSOR.

No part of this agreement constitutes a transfer of ownership or copyright of the VL/SFX/MUSIC and, as such, the LICENSEE must not engage in any activity exclusive to the copyright holder, such as registering the VL/SFX/MUSIC with royalty collection agencies, content ID systems, publishing it as a stock music product, selling or distributing it or otherwise claiming ownership.


For clarity and avoidance of doubt, the LICENSEE is expressly prohibited from using any production VL/SFX/MUSIC product licensed under this agreement for the purpose of training artificial intelligence technologies. This includes, but is not limited to, technologies capable of generating sound effects or works in a similar style or genre as the licensed production VL/SFX/MUSIC products. The LICENSEE shall not use, reproduce, or otherwise leverage the licensed production VL/SFX/MUSIC product in any manner for purposes of developing, training, or enhancing artificial intelligence technologies, nor sublicense these rights to any third party, without the LICENSOR’s specific and express written permission.


The LICENSEE and the LICENSOR hereby agree to indemnify each other from, and against any and all claims, demands, suits, actions, causes of action, damages, liabilities, charges and expenses, including attorneys fees incurred by each party with respect to any matter that arises as a result of any claim that the production VL/SFX/MUSIC product infringe or violate any rights of any third party or any breach of this agreement.


The LICENSOR shall not be liable for any loss of business or business profits, business interruption, or any other form of direct or indirect loss resulting directly or indirectly from the use of any of the production VL/SFX/MUSIC products.


By purchasing an product and using the VL/SFX/MUSIC, the LICENSEE agrees to the terms of this license.